Saturday, February 27, 2016

Panorama Test during Pregnancy

After my 10th week of pregnancy, I had the Panorama Test done. It was recommended at my doctor's office. It was optional, but they are more keen about it when you are in your 30's. Some insurance covers it, including mine. 

The test basically screens for chromosome abnormalities, like Trisomy 21, 18, 13, Monosomy X, etc. Aside from that, they can also determine the gender of your baby (no need to wait for 2 to 3 more months, during ultrasound). 

For more detailed info, you can check their site:

(photo credit: Natera website)

My doctor gave me a Natera kit (box), which I brought with me to their partner laboratory. They took around 4 vials of blood from my arm. 

I got the results in about 2 weeks. Thankfully, we have low risk for the the abnormalities. 

Next comes the billing. Even though my Insurance covers it, we still have co-pays and deductibles, so I was monitoring the claim. I was surprised the test cost $7,999.00. And my insurance approved only of $4900+, thus a $3000+ co-pay?! But, I checked right away with Natera. Called their office and they explained to me that I am only to settle less than $100. The $3000 I think was a negotiated rate, that will not be covered by the insurance, and will not be paid by the client. Thank God! So, if you're going to have the test, make sure your insurance covers most of it. You wouldn't  want to be worrying about medical bills before you even give birth.

If you are not going to have the test, don't worry much. There is a Pre-Natal blood screening on your 2nd Trimester which will also cover some of the chromosome adnormalities. I even found it redundant that I had the Panorama test. Although, it helps you detect the abnormalities earlier, by 5 weeks+, and also predicts gender of your baby sooner and at 99.99% accuracy. 

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