I checked a Chinese Gender Prediction Calendar with my age and the month I conceived, it should be a girl, they say. Nah...
During my first 2 months of pregnancy, I was very sensitive to smell, vomiting morning and afternoons, and very weak. I was also very picky with what I eat. Compared to my first pregnancy, it was a very different experience. I already thought I was having a girl because they say the morning sickness is worse for those having a girl. I was wrong, again.
A friend of ours, who got pregnant two weeks later than us, is having a girl. My husband's office is organizing a group baby shower for the family of their employees, 3 of them are having girls, and we are the only one who is having a boy.
A friend of ours, who got pregnant two weeks later than us, is having a girl. My husband's office is organizing a group baby shower for the family of their employees, 3 of them are having girls, and we are the only one who is having a boy.
So, who's responsible for the gender of your baby?
I researched ('googled') a bit and they say Men determines the gender of their children.
Here's the link: Boy Or Girl? It's In The Father's Genes
Here's the link: Boy Or Girl? It's In The Father's Genes
Date: December 12, 2008
Source: Newcastle University
Summary: A study of hundreds of years of family trees suggests a man's genes play a role in him having sons or daughters. Men inherit a tendency to have more sons or more daughters from their parents. This means that a man with many brothers is more likely to have sons, while a man with many sisters is more likely to have daughters.
Men born from a father who have only sons, are more likely to have only sons, themselves. And men born from fathers with daughters is more likely to be able to produce daughters, too.
Hmmm... My husband has 2 brothers, no sisters. My father has 6 sisters and 4 brothers. He has 5 daughters and 1 son. My cousin's husband has a sister and a brother. Now, they have 2 daughters and a son. Hmmm... interesting...
I conceived my first baby a few days before my ovulation day. I conceived my second baby a few days after my ovulation day. Both of them are boys, regardless.
I conceived my first baby a few days before my ovulation day. I conceived my second baby a few days after my ovulation day. Both of them are boys, regardless.
Oh well, we can test again the theory with a third child. But then again, after reading the article, I am no longer inclined to. I'm okay with 2 boys. They can share their toys and clothes. They'll play basketball or soccer together. They might even have a double date in the future. But yeah, I'm good with two, for now... 😊
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