It has been more than 3 years since my last pregnancy with my first child. We were not planning on a second one, although it cross our minds every once in a while. Then, I woke up one morning experiencing something vaguely familiar --- tenderness on my chest as if I was lactating. I started counting the days from my last period and with a hint of possibility, I decided to buy some pregnancy kits just to be certain.
I found a number of Dip Strips available at the store.
Let me to classify them based on how they read the results:
1. Plus Signs. When it is positive, you get two perpendicular lines, forming a 'plus' or cross lines. If it is a negative, you only have one horizontal line.
2. Parallel Signs. When it is a positive, you get two parallel lines. When it is a negative, just one line.
3. Digital. This one is straight forward, either "pregnant" or "not pregnant" or "yes" or "no" depending on the brand of the kit that you will use.
In my case, I was able to try a total of 5 tests kits and all 3 types.
I remember during my first pregnancy, I only tried 2 kits, both of them with the parallel sign indicator. But since this might be my last pregnancy (planning on having only 2 children), we decided to try other kits for experience-sake.
Among all kits, my first choice is still the parallel line test kit. It is the simplest and easiest for me to use. Plus the readings stay longest and the price is cheaper, too. My second choice is the digital test kit. Very straightforward, it answers your question directly YES or NO or PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT. The only downside is that it has batteries, which has disposal requirements; also it is prone to error if accidentally used incorrectly; and it is the most costly among the three kits.
So my advice, is that you get one parallel line test kit and one digital test kit for further confirmation. With the 2 test kits, I think you'll be pretty sure with the results. You can also use 1 test kit per day to spread it closer or even after your date of expected period, when the test kit gets higher accuracy.
But then again, you can go crazy like me, and try almost everything on the market. ;)
Here are some details per test kit, for further information:
First, I got the Clearblue PLUS Pregnancy Test.
- It has 2 test sticks.
- Promises results "5 days sooner" or 4 days before your expected period (as explained in their insert instruction). The accuracy increases as the test date is closer to your expected period. Also, if you are testing before your expected period, they recommend the first urine in the morning.
- You have to read the test within 10 minutes of doing the test, otherwise they say you can disregard any changes on the result.
- Price Range: $7.99 - $14.29 (Target offers one of the lowest price based on comparison on online prices)
Findings: I did the test one day before my expected period. The perpendicular line is barely visible. Although it says on the instruction, any visible form of vertical line perpendicular to the horizontal line indicates a positive. But still, you keep doubting your eyesight, so it is difficult to say. And by the way, I tested at the middle of the day. =) (Sorry, was too excited)
These are the 2 test sticks that I used, and this photo was taken the day after the test. I forgot to snap a shot of it while the barely vertical line was still there. Thus, their instruction is true, you should read the result within in 10 minutes, and if you want to capture the moment (especially for first time moms), better do it right after you read the result). :D
Next, I tried Signature Care Digital Pregnancy Test.
- It has 2 Test sticks.
- You can use the test 5 days before missed period. Accuracy of test increases as test date is closer to expected period. Promises 99% accuracy from the day of your expected period.
- Results will be displayed on the display screen for approximately 24 hours (based on their instruction insert).
- Price: $15.39 in Safeway.
Findings: I did the test on the day of my expected period and it says "pregnant". Straight forward answer. No second guessing the lines. I love it! A little pricey than a regular dip stick, but less complicated to interpret. Although based on some reviews, they do get errors. But so far, I got clear readings on the 2 test sticks that I used. You just have to follow the instructions. Do not over wet the strip, just follow the 5 second instruction & Do not tilt down the test stick towards the side of the screen, to avoid malfunction, and I guess you'll get good readings, too.
Next, I tried the parallel lines test kit, Answer Pregnancy Test.
- It has 2 test sticks.
- Test 5 days sooner, too. Also promises 99% accuracy from the date of expected period, but lesser accuracy prior.
- A positive test result will last 48 hours and a negative test result should not be read after 10 minutes (as per instruction insert).
- $7.99 - $14.29 ($7.99 at Walgreens)
Findings: This is the easiest to read. Also, one of the cheapest test kit. Also, the display result last longer. I got a positive and I checked 2 months later, the 2 parallel lines are still visible (Yes, I still have them, just in case I proceed on writing a blog about them, which I am now... :>)
Next, I used another Plus sign test kit, e.p.t. (early pregnancy test)
- Includes 2 test kits.
- 5 days sooner. Accuracy increases to date of expected period.
- Result must be read within 10 minutes. It does not matter if one line is fainter or darker than the other.
- Price: $14.99 +
Findings: Even at 2 days after expected period, the lines can be a bit faint. I am starting not to be a fan of Plus sign test kits. :<
Lastly, I tried First Response Gold Digital Pregnancy Test
- Includes 2 digital test sticks
- Test 6 days sooner than your missed period or 5 days before expected period. 99% accurate from the date of your expected period.
- Results will be displayed within 30 minutes.
- Price: $13.99 - $17.59 ($13.99 at Target)
Findings: This is accurate and easy to read. Am I pregnant? YES means you are and NO means you are not. I'm pretty sure the display lasts longer, but not more than 24 hours, too. Just to be sure, you can follow the direction. It is one of the soonest pregnancy kit that you can use. I should have used this one the first time.
I am writing this blog based on my personal experience only.
I am not a health or medical professional.
But I do hope, this will help most people who will read this. :)