Sunday, July 3, 2016

Inducing Labor: Stripping of Membrane

I had my visit to my OB Gyn last Friday at exactly 38 weeks for my 2nd weekly pelvic exam (which started on my 37th week).  

I was surprised that she offered if I want to naturally induce labor already. She was talking about stripping of the membrane. I declined. Although, that time I was not sure what she was talking about. But still, I declined just because I'm not ready yet, and I feel 38 weeks is still early. (Maybe next week... who knows?).

So, when I got home I googled it and found this:

Stripping the membranes. In this procedure, your doctor or midwife will use a gloved finger to gently separate the amniotic sac from the wall of the uterus. This releases hormones that can trigger contractions. (

I also found this site to be helpful:

After doing my reading, we were even more puzzled why the doctor offered to do the procedure already since I'm only on my 38th week. 

Personally, I want to wait until the baby is ready to meet me. With my first born, I delivered at 39 weeks+ and he was healthy, 7 lbs 14 oz, with smooth skin and a bit puffy already. I would have wanted that for my second one, too.

Right now, 2 days after my exam I still feel a bit of discomfort down there. I hope my doctor did not try to do the procedure without my consent. She said I might have spotting after the exam, but good thing I did not. Maybe, I am being paranoid because the exam last Friday felt longer and deeper compared to my last exam a week ago. I'm taking it easy for now. Will start my walking exercise again when  I'm 39 weeks already. 

Happy 4th of July Weekend! 

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