Tuesday, July 26, 2016

No Anesthesia (Labor & Delivery)

"It felt like there's a coconut stuck inside my cervix, that I could not move out no matter how much I keep pushing it out..."

It has been 12 days now since I had my second labor and delivery experience. That experience now tops the list of my  excruciating moments. But at the same time, it also is one of the best 30 hours adventure of my life.

It started at 4 o'clock on a Sunday afternoon. Right after a warm bath, I was singing in the bathroom, tying to hit a high note (Tina Arena's 'Burn'), when I felt a sudden  gush down there. When I checked, I saw fresh blood spotting and then I felt nervous. Is it time? I was 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Two hours later, I was having irregular contractions, 6-7 minutes apart. It was already 6 pm and I was worried if we did not go to the hospital earlier, I would end up waking our toddler in the middle of the night to go to the hospital. So at 8:30 pm we decided to go to the hospital. 

When I got to the hospital, they hooked me up to the monitor for an at least half an hour and they checked my cervix. I was only 3 cm dilated that time, with irregular contractions --- around 7 minutes apart. My doctor felt it was too early to get admitted, but she said it could be any time tomorrow. So, we decided to go home first. 

I was able to sleep for a few hours, until I woke up Monday at 3 in the morning. I felt the contractions again, this time in more regular intervals of 7 minutes. 2 hours later it was down to 5-6 minutes apart. So I decided to make an appointment at the doctor's clinic for a check up. I got there by 10 am and when they checked, I was already 4 cm dilated, with 5-6 minutes contraction intervals. I was advised that I was already in labor, but I can have lunch first and then I can go to the hospital around 2 pm.

So, we had a quick lunch. We took our toddler to school. I even walked him to his classroom. We fetch our son at 1:30 pm and by that time the contractions have gotten stronger that I jhad to stay in the car while my husband fetch my son. We went to the hospital right after and got admitted around 3 pm. 

When they checked my cervix, I was only 5 cm dilated, meaning it only progressed by 1 cm over the 4 hour+ period from the last time they checked in the morning. They felt that the progression was slow and the contractions are still a bit far apart (5-6) minutes. But, I decided to get admitted already. Although the contractions were 6 minutes apart, the pain is already unbearable in comparison to my first labor experience. 

By 5 pm, they checked again my cervix and I was only 6 cm dilated. With the very slow progression, we decided to proceed with rupturing the amniotic sac. Our main reason is that the longer we wait, the more strength I would have to use during contractions, even before the final stage of labor and the actual delivery. Plus, it was almost a day since the contractions first started and I don't want to wait until the next day to give birth.

I was asked regarding pain management, if I want an epidural. I had epidural with my first baby and this time, I wanted to experience the whole natural thing. My cousin just had a her third baby a few months ago and she tried it without any medication and she said she felt better and the baby seems to be more healthy compared to her first two. 

Aside from that, I hated the experience of having a catheter for peeing. Unfortunately, the catheter is non-negotiable if you will have epidural. So, no epidural it is. But, just in case I can't take it, we still put an IV line as plan B if somewhere along the way I needed it. 

The nurse assigned to me was very helpful. She has been coaching me in pain management and has been motivating me all throughout labor. She taught me some pain relief positions and some movements to help the baby go down faster. She seems to be pro-natural delivery and has been very supportive with my decision. Up to the point where I was about to give up, she still pushed me to go through with it. (Thanks Nurse Katia!) 

Thirty minutes after the sac broke, the "real" labor began. I was standing at the edge of the bed, when I suddenly felt that level 10+++ pain. We were trying to manage it but then I suddenly burst into tears, lost my composure, and went for the bed. I just lie there, feeling the pain, and never stood up from that moment on. 

For more than an hour I was in excruciating pain, the contractions were getting stronger, longer, more frequent, and with less interval (lost track of my counting the duration and length). After awhile, it was hard to keep your mind at bay. You are just focusing on yourself and the pain. Although, I still try to listen to the coaching of the nurses, but at some point I had to shut them all out. It was just me and my pain. During contractions, you will also feel liquid gushing out from down there. It was the amniotic fluid. The more it goes out, the closer you are to delivery.

I was crying from time to time during contractions. They tried to talk me out of it because it will disrupt the flow of oxygen that me and my baby needs. So, amidst all the pain, I had to stop crying and focus on breathing. I also made loud cries of "Aaaah's", "Eeeeh's", and "Ooooh's". They did help a lot. Each of them brings different feeling of relief. If one does not work, I would switch to the other. I was really screaming from time to time just to let the pain out. 

All throughout the final stages of labor, I wanted to hold on to my husband's arm or hand. Or if he has to go attend to our toddler (who by the way is in the room, behind a curtain divider 😁), I had to hold on to a nurse. I don't want to feel alone. Just having someone to hold on to helps a lot. One time they were all away from the bed and I had to tell them "don't leave me...", just like a little girl not wanting to be left alone. 😂

By the time I reached the 2nd hour, I was already 9 cm dilated. Mind you, during the contractions, they also had to do a vaginal check from time to time to see where your cervix opening is at. I had mine checked at least 3 times during the 2 hour period. 

I don't really remember what happened or how long it was, but I just suddenly had the urge to go with the flow and just push, push, and push. I can't hear anyone else and they all look blurry to me. Finally, I heard them say that it was time. They hurried to prep everything. They pulled out the lower part of the bed. Positioned me, facing up and opened my legs. There was a nurse assigned to hold each of my leg. I felt so exposed that time, but it doesn't matter because I just want to deliver the baby. In a minute or so I was already set up to deliver the baby.

I remember I had to push along with the contraction. It was a mix of conscious effort to push and somewhat with the help of your muscles involuntarily pushing the baby out, too. I had at least 3 sets of push before the baby's head got out. However, his shoulders got stuck, so I had to give it one final push... and I finally heard his cry. 

After that, my mind was suddenly cleared up. I can think straight. I can see them all, the nurses, my doctor, the baby, and my husband. I watch them as they put  my baby boy on top of me. I heard the doctor asked my hubby to cut the cord and I saw him do it. After that, I needed one more push to flush out the placenta and the sac. After that final push, everything felt light down there --- a sudden relief. It felt really good.

While doing the skin to skin bonding, I still have to open my legs to my doctor, as she start sewing my tears --- third degree. It took awhile for her to do the sutures. She said there was a lot of tears and she has to make sure that all are sewed up properly. It hurts a bit, but nothing compared to all the pain I have been through earlier.

After she was finished suturing, the nurse assisted me in helping the baby latch. I had to stay at the room for at least an hour. They had to check my bleeding. Every 15 minutes, the nurse would press on my tummy and I would feel the blood gushing out down there. Within that hour, I was able to pee also. After everything seems to be well, they transferred us to the Mother-Baby unit, where we stayed for 2 days for recovery.  


It was a memorable experience. I'm glad I got through with it. I feel much better compared to my first experience with epidural. I am more aware with what happened. I was even able to apologize to the nurses for turning mean during the final hours of my labor and also thank them for all the assistance and motivation.

By the way, the baby was 8 lbs and 11 oz when he got out, which explains all the pain and the tears down there. There goes all the ice cream servings I indulged in during my last few weeks of pregnancy. 😁

Some pointers that I personally derived from my experience:

- When you're 9 months pregnant and you are not yet ready to deliver, avoid singing songs with high notes. 😜

- Wait until your contractions are shorter and more regular before you run to the hospital. This will save you time, effort, and extra medical bill. That false alarm costed more than $1000+ in our medical bill. (Good thing it was covered by our insurance. Thanks Anthem!)

- Having no anesthesia during labor is really painful but doable. You need the right mindset and moral support to be able to go through it. 😊

- The "Aaaah's", "Eeeeh's", and "Oooh's" really helps. 👍🏻

Monday, July 11, 2016

Early Stage of Labor

It's 3:25AM and I am currently having contractions at around 6 minutes apart for the last 30 minutes. I decided to write this blog to keep my mind off the pain, while I also monitor the progression of my contractions.

Yesterday afternoon, while I was fixing myself inside the bathroom, just right after shower, and while singing "Burn" by Tina Arena, I suddenly felt a soft gush down there. I decided to check it out right away and I saw blood at the center of my extra long liner, covering the center, around 1/3 of the pad. So, I hurried up and made some inquiries online and through my cousin, who's a nursing graduate and who recently just gave birth. 

So far, the possible cause was the thinning of the cervix. As long as it is not a big gush of blood, like a heavy flow that is continuous, then it is safe. I took a picture of the liners I had for an hour. The first one has more blood, the second one was lighter pink and fewer. Then the third one is like a smaller drop with sticky mucus. I would have posted it here, but then again, it might be too much info for your viewing. 😁

So, after that I started to prepare the last stuff needed for the hospital, mostly for my husband and 3 year old. An hour later, I started to feel irregular contractions. The next hour it became more regular. The 3rd hour, I was at 7 minutes apart. It was already past 7pm (Sunday), so I decided to give my doctor a call. Since my back is already aching and the pain is constant, she told me I can go to the hospital and she can check. Just to be sure, I waited another hour and since my contractions are getting stronger, we decided to head to the hospital.

When we got there, after filling up a few paper works, I was led to the exam room. After taking my vitals, they checked my cervix and voila! I am only 2-3 cm dilated, and my contractions are irregular again. I waited for my OB and she gave me the choice if I want to go home and wait. Since we are only 2.5 miles away from the hospital, and I wanted my toddler to sleep at home, I decided to go home first and wait.

We got home before 12 midnight and I was able to sleep a bit. I woke up at 2:30am with my 6 minute contraction intervals. So now, here I am writing about  it... It's 4am now and I am still at 6 minutes interval with my contractions. Each contraction lasts for around 20 seconds and hurts stronger than yesterday.

I feel I am on the right track. But it may take a while. I just need to monitor my contractions. Not until it is 5 minutes apart for an hour, then I am not on active labor yet. Let's see later... 

Some tips:

1. You can take your pee breaks right after the contractions. In my case, I have a 5 minute window to go to the potty. I just had one and I noticed some more mucus discharge on top of a slightly reddish brown light blood on my liner.

2. You can try to do something else while waiting it out. In my case I am writing this blog, and am also playing with some game apps on my phone. 😉

3. Changing positions helps... Sitting, walking, standing, lying down. I find walking around the house much more helpful. Then, during contractions, I would stop and hold on to something for support.

4. Eating. Since I am not sure when active labor will kick in, I am just eating light snacks. Just had a slice of plain white bread half an hour ago. But as soon as I have my contractions at 3 minutes apart, I'll stop eating anything and just have water.

2 hours later...

Just took a bath and while in the shower I had 2 contractions. Had to be careful in the tub. Right now I'm reading more info on early stages of labor and this site is very helpful:

I've been at my early labor phase for 5 hours now, if I would start counting from 2:30AM, where my contractions are more regular. However, at 7:30am it stopped. It's been 16 minutes now since my last contraction. Darn! I'm using the phone clock by the way in monitoring my contractions. I just press laps and it records intervals. Maybe I'll just use this break to take a quick nap...

At 10AM, I went to see my OB at the clinic and I have already gone up to 4cm dilation and have officially gone up to Active Labor. My contractions are 4-5 minutes apart and is getting stronger and longer up to 30 seconds. I was advised to have lunch first and then proceed to the hospital around 2pm...

I guess I am indeed expecting my 2nd son later this afternoon... 😊👍🏻

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Inducing Labor: Stripping of Membrane

I had my visit to my OB Gyn last Friday at exactly 38 weeks for my 2nd weekly pelvic exam (which started on my 37th week).  

I was surprised that she offered if I want to naturally induce labor already. She was talking about stripping of the membrane. I declined. Although, that time I was not sure what she was talking about. But still, I declined just because I'm not ready yet, and I feel 38 weeks is still early. (Maybe next week... who knows?).

So, when I got home I googled it and found this:

Stripping the membranes. In this procedure, your doctor or midwife will use a gloved finger to gently separate the amniotic sac from the wall of the uterus. This releases hormones that can trigger contractions. (www.WebMD.com)

I also found this site to be helpful:

After doing my reading, we were even more puzzled why the doctor offered to do the procedure already since I'm only on my 38th week. 

Personally, I want to wait until the baby is ready to meet me. With my first born, I delivered at 39 weeks+ and he was healthy, 7 lbs 14 oz, with smooth skin and a bit puffy already. I would have wanted that for my second one, too.

Right now, 2 days after my exam I still feel a bit of discomfort down there. I hope my doctor did not try to do the procedure without my consent. She said I might have spotting after the exam, but good thing I did not. Maybe, I am being paranoid because the exam last Friday felt longer and deeper compared to my last exam a week ago. I'm taking it easy for now. Will start my walking exercise again when  I'm 39 weeks already. 

Happy 4th of July Weekend! 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Our Crib: Graco Travel Lite Crib

I just received this Graco Travel Lite Crib with Stages yesterday and I am glad I finally bought it after months of pondering (2 weeks before my due date). 

It was a last minute decision since we already have the Graco Pack N Play Playard as a gift. But, I was intrigued by the reviews and specs of the Travel Lite Crib, particularly its smaller size. So, when I saw a mark down price in its Spin pattern at Babies R Us, I decided to order it right away. From $109+, I got it at $82+ tax. 

We needed a smaller crib, where the baby can sleep inside our room. We're just renting an apartment here in CA and we can't afford to have a separate nursery room yet. When I assembled the crib, it was a perfect fit right beside our bed. 

I think we'll be able to use it for the first 3 months. After which, I'll switch to the Play Yard, with bigger space, when the baby starts to roll over. We can also use it for travel or just a play pen outside the room. 

Here are the main features from Graco Website:

  • One-of-a-kind, height-adjustable bassinet grows with your baby
  • Versatile crib easily converts to a portable playard
  • Weighs less than 20 pounds, so it’s ready to go anywhere
  • 20% smaller than our traditional playards for easy in-room fit
  • Compact fold, so you’re ready to go anywhere
  • Signature Graco® push-button fold makes closing your playard quick and hassle-free
  • Removable infant bassinet is perfect for sleeping
  • Quilted mattress pad creates a comfortable sleep space
  • Canopy with soft toys to soothe baby
  • Airy mesh on all sides for maximum ventilation
  • Convenient carrying bag for no-fuss travel and storage.

For the mattress/pad included in the crib, I also ordered a mattress sheet for it. I think it is safer to use the right sheet cover that fits it, to avoid dangers of suffocation. 

So far, I am satisfied with my purchase. I am excited to see my baby in there in a couple of weeks.